I wonder if that what madam Shantini is trying to tell us.... Ah! Come to think of it 2013 is quite an interesting year. This might be fun :) with the help of my journal (whom I had been unfaithful to) I shall write a near accurate senior year experience. Senior? XD I wasn't well known at all! Wallflower indeed *sigh*
Let's see, the start of my school days during January was quite funny. I started late because I was having fun in Sabah. My home room teacher even called me to ask wether I'm coming back or not. I was like; 'are you kicking me out or something?' Silently. And on my first day, I came late and get a slip! Imagine that, what a way to welcome me back to the school! A few days before, I called a close friend of mine and she told me there wasn't enough classrooms! I was like.....
3 classes or so have to be sacrificed and earn a nickname "floating" class. Yup, guess what, my class one of them. I was so disappointed. Shall I define what "floating" class or kelas terapung to you? It means, you don't have a classroom! We have to go from one place to another place at the other class expenses. To labs, library, any empty classroom when those students went to PE or somewhere. And guess what classes they deemed wise to choose as pilgrims? The only 3 science classes in form 5! Yeah, way to go the school administration. What did they said to us?
"Kamu kan dah besar, senior, berkorbanlah untuk adik-adik kamu."
"Kamu kan budak sains, Banyak guna makmal"
"Cikgu percaya yang kamu tak Akan berkeliaran waktu tukar tempat"
I don't want to seem petty, yeah, there are a lot of students that doesn't get education and etc. but There are so many flaws in the way they handle the problem. After a few weeks, with my sharp intuition, talent as a wallflower, habit of looking dreamy while eavesdropping and asking a teacher in a diplomatic way. Or sometimes, they just blatantly told us the reasons, I identified the cause of sudden lack of available classroom.
1. The kelas rancangan khas. This program was newly introduced in 2012 in our school and finally in 2013, the problem arises. Since the parent was adamant that their children in krk, 'speshul' kids is placed in morning session, they took 2 classes. The reason? Most guru cemerlang is in morning session.
2. They used the special rooms to store the mega volume of PBS files.
This was my thought at that time:
1. Since the KRK kids are brilliant students, I don't think they will struggle when placed in the evening session. Hey, a lot of my peers did excellent in our PMR, the teachers was not an issue. Morning session was occupied by students from form 3 to form 5 while the evening ones was occupied by form 1 and form 2. Do your math, and you get the easy answer.
2. Why form 5 students? I mean, form 4 could do it too. Why the exam candidates? Seriously? Just because we are older? Logic, where are you? *sighs*
Finally, on the early February, they somehow manage to solve the issue. A classroom was divided to two by thin wood... And become small..... Shared by my class and my poor neighbor, the 5C whom had to cram into with its 40 students. Our class only had 20 pupils, so it wasn't a big deal to us. I hope this situation won't arise again next year....
Ah, then we painted the class. Which was a nice experience. And a few teenage dramas.... Dont want to remember it. quite funny though. the running around the field and screaming part XD We celebrated a special classmate birthday, which I gave my other classmates RM50 to buy a cake for him. And in turn he gave me a free ride back to my house. But got into an accident during his way back to his house -.-" oh the guilt I felt that time......
I can't believe I just made a long post just for January.....
Okay! I decided to race against time and finish this 2013 rewind before new year! New year, new page, I shouldn't dwell too much in past!