Sunday, April 26, 2015

My asasi shenanigans #1

So, an appreciation post is overdue. 2 weeks, and 6 paper left. Before I start subjecting myself to the hellish torture of exam weeks, let me end my final day of lecture as an asasi kid with some pics and sappy post.

    This girl here is called thusha, tush, and A/P sivam. Well, sem 2 has sealed our friendship, I remember chatting after most of exam papers until late night at the picnic table near our blocks. She's one of the people who can handle my volatile temper well, and make me laugh during my worst mood. Thanks for being there mate. My semester 3 is all rainbows and flowers because of you and the kookies. All in all, she's friendly, although sometimes takes her jokes too far, never repented after being scolded , (endearingly annoying or annoyingly endearing I can't decide). I hope we will still be like this, in hate and love relationship during degree,and after that, for as long as life breathes into us.


And this is my favorite bunch. The kookies! But Nadia isn't in the picture though. Wait, lemme see if I have Nadia's pic. Guess I'll upload later. I used to have lunch with them, they are, playful and easy to mingle with. There's Pikam, she's, well, the star of our lecture group, she brings life with her, well, I have so much to say about her, I'll make hers later. There's Sarah, my dear lovable siamang. I adore her utara accent, her dedication, but never had any opportunity to work with her. She's going to be an awesome teacher one day, along with Nadia. Aida, my blockmate! I remember her helping to bring back my laptop when I went to watch the hobbit with yah and zainol at night, alone. She does not treat me like the others. She doesnt hesitate to joke around roughly with me. They, don't treat me as if I'm something foreign. And that's a blessing.  I hope we can meet up again. I'll miss their  chatter and the laughter. And I'll miss revising physics with those 2 at block b.

Alright, I'll stop here for awhile, too hungry..... 

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